New Year, New Officers: KLETC Graduates Take the Oath to Serve

The start of the new year marked another proud moment at the Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center (KLETC), as family and friends gathered to celebrate the graduation of the 335th Basic Training Class. These new officers are now prepared to serve and protect their communities.

KLETC Police Instructor Senior Steve McCorkill introduced the graduates, followed by Chief Pat Kitchens of the Leavenworth Police Department, who delivered an inspiring and heartfelt address. Chief Kitchens congratulated the officers on their accomplishment and left them with a powerful message about integrity and responsibility.
“Tell the truth about everything—no matter what. That’s the difference between the good guys and the bad guys: telling the truth,” said Chief Kitchens. “Someday soon, you’re going to be sitting in a courtroom, on the witness stand, with a judge, jury, prosecutor, and defense attorney. There can be no doubt that what you say on that stand is the truth because what you say can take away someone’s liberty. The most important thing we have in this country is our freedom and liberty, and what you say can take that away.”
Chief Kitchens also reminded the graduates of the public’s continued support for law enforcement. “Despite what you may have seen or heard, the vast majority of people in this country still support, respect, and need you to do your job. But you have to tell the truth.”
Class President Deputy Martin DeWitt of the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office also addressed the crowd, reflecting on the impact law enforcement officers can make.
“As those called to this service and graduating here today, I ask us a question: Can I make a difference? With every decision, every interaction, every conversation, every investigation—can I make a difference?” Deputy DeWitt said. “We started with that question, and we end with it here today.”
The graduates leave KLETC ready to uphold these values and serve their communities with honor and integrity.
Under the authority of Vice Provost and Director of Police Training Darin Beck, graduates received certificates attesting the satisfactory completion of a full-time basic course of instruction, and certification as Kansas law enforcement officers from the Kansas Commission on Peace Officers’ Standards and Training, the state’s Law enforcement licensing authority.
The following are the graduates of the 335th basic training class:
*Awards and honors in italic
Jason Amos, Great Bend Police Department: Honors
Rachel Barnes, Salina Police Department
Clark Bates, Finney County Sheriff's Office
Preston Carlson, Rush County Sheriff's Office
Martin DeWitt, Lyon County Sheriff's Office: Class President, Honors
James Ediger, Meade County Sheriff's Office
Tanner Ford, Great Bend Police Department Barton
Daniel Goerges, Garden City Police Department Finney
Ashley Gonzalez, Minneapolis Police Department Ottawa
Skyler Hall, Garden City Police Department
Daniel Hendricks, Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks: Honors, Fitness
Alexander Holsted, Lansing Police Department
Jordan Hunsicker, Hays Police Department
Kamden Kennon, Great Bend Police Department
Thatcher Lackey, Douglas County Sheriff's Office
Ryan Noll, Atchison Police Department
Lane Plowman, Leavenworth Police Department
Nicholas Poje, MTAA Police & Fire Department
Jessica Sanders, Concordia Police Department
Jacob Schnabel, Hays Police Department: Honors, Fitness
Josiah Silva, Wamego Police Department
Alexis Thomas, Lansing Police Department
Alexas Torres, Leavenworth Police Department
Victor Torres, Douglas County Sheriff's Office
Sawyer Zook, Douglas County Sheriff's Office