Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center Graduates 331st Basic Training Class

Photos by Jeff Tuttle
Family and friends traveled from across Kansas, Georgia, and Alabama to witness the graduation of the 331st Basic Training Class at the Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center (KLETC) on Friday, October 4. KLETC Police Instructor Senior James Buettgenbach, the class coordinator, introduced the graduates. This was followed by a commencement speech from Christopher Kennedy, Secretary of the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks. He shared personal insights and lessons that have helped him succeed in his career, stating “Contemplate your life, recognize and appreciate the individuals who took the time and made the effort to get you where you are today. As you move forward, be prepared to support those around you—you never know when you will need their support again in life. My path has thrown me some humdingers at times, and the only reason I’ve made it this far is the amazing assistance I’ve received from my support team.”

Class President Officer Jacob Earley of the Hutchinson Police Department also addressed the graduates. He spoke about the class's future, the connections they made, and how they bonded. He remarked, “This class is different in a lot of ways. We all have different personalities and different ways of thinking. We’re the group that likes to argue about the color of the sky, but we’re also the group that puts all of our differences aside when it comes to needing and supporting one another.”
Under the authority of Vice Provost and Director of Police Training Darin Beck, graduates received certificates attesting the satisfactory completion of a full-time basic course of instruction, and certification as Kansas law enforcement officers from the Kansas Commission on Peace Officers’ Standards and Training, the state’s Law enforcement licensing authority.
The following are the graduates of the 331st Basic Training Class
*Awards recipient
Makenzie Ammons - Mitchell County Sheriff's Office
*Honors, Fitness
Dillyn Brown - Ottawa Police Department
Connor Budzinski - Junction City Police Department
Cameron Day - El Dorado Police Department
Jack DeWitt - Junction City Police Department
Bradley Draper - Junction City Police Department
Jacob Earley - Hutchinson Police Department
*Class President
Austin Harris - Salina Police Department
Jordan Hawkins - Hutchinson Police Department
Erik Heh - Kansas City KS Comm College Campus
Charleston Johnson - Emporia Police Department
Annika Krehbiel - Halstead Police Department
Madelyne Lane - Kansas City Public Schools Police Department
Christopher Petesch - Atchison County Sheriff's Office
Andrew Robinson - Junction City Police Department
Gerardo Ruiz-Calderon - Junction City Police Department
Mariah Shultz - Carbondale Police Department
Rileigh Vandenburg - Grandview Plaza Police Department
Kierah Warner - St. George Police Department
Dakota Wehmeyer - University of Kansas Police Department