Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center Graduates 328th Basic Training Class

Twenty-four new law enforcement officers graduated from the Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center (KLETC) on July 26, 2024, in a ceremony held in KLETC’s Integrity Auditorium. KLETC Police Instructor Senior Steve McCorkill was the class coordinator for the graduating class, and the commencement speaker for the ceremony was retired Kansas Bureau of Investigation Associate Director David Hutchings.

Associate Director Hutchings began his commencement address with a series of questions for the graduates. Through a show of hands, the graduates responded to questions such as “how many of you are leaving here with new nicknames? How many of you gave or contributed to the giving of a new nickname to someone else whether they know it or not?” Questions that caused the graduates and crowd to chuckle led to one question, 24 raised hands, and cheers from the crowd. “How many of you are leaving here with new lifelong friends,” asked Hutchings. “I would implore you to honor those friendships throughout your lifetime. There are few things that you will treasure more in your professional life than the relationships you have built and maintained.”
As the commencement address was winding down, the retiree with 36 years of law enforcement service to the state of Kansas reminded the graduates that no one polices their profession better than law enforcement. “Don’t ever be confused by the thin blue line. It’s there to support you, not cover for you.”
Under the authority of Vice Provost and Director of Police Training Darin Beck, graduates received certificates attesting to the satisfactory completion of a full-time basic course of instruction, and certification as Kansas law enforcement officers from the Kansas Commission on Peace Officers’ Standards and Training, the state’s law enforcement licensing authority.
The following are the graduates of the 328th basic training class:
*Award recipient
Kayne Abrams - Independence Police Department
Ruben Anthony - Junction City Police Department
Mario Arzaga - Liberal Police Department
Dakoda Davisson - Stafford Police Department
Daniel Ditsch - Doniphan County Sheriff's Office
Patrick Glasgow - Abilene Police Department
Chase Hagemann - University of Kansas Police Department
George Holt - Wyandotte County Sheriff's Office
Joel Ibarra - Stafford County Sheriff's Office
Alyssa Lohse - University of Kansas Med Center Police Dept
Christopher Low - Junction City Police Department
Roger Lynch - Salina Police Department
Drake Martin - Douglas County Sheriff's Office
Amanda Mason - Ulysses Police Department
Alyssa Padilla - Finney County Sheriff's Office
*Director’s Award for Academic Excellence
Yamilka Pereira - Independence Police Department
Edgar Rodriguez-Jimenez - Finney County Sheriff's Office
Daniel Schroeder - Rooks County Sheriff's Office
*Class President
Isaac Shuler - Bourbon County Sheriff's Office
Ruby Soto - Liberal Police Department
Robert Stallings - McPherson Police Department
Jayden Townsend - Neosho County Sheriff's Office
Eugene Van Dinter - Beloit Police Department
Colt Wikle - Shawnee County Parks Police Department