Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center Graduates 327th Basic Training Class

Photos by Jeff Tuttle
Twenty new law enforcement officers graduated from the Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center (KLETC) on June 28, 2024, in a ceremony held in KLETC’s Integrity Auditorium. KLETC Basic Training Administrator Mike Satterlee was the class coordinator for the graduating class, and the commencement speaker for the ceremony was Kansas Senator Carolyn McGinn.

“As you step into the ranks of law enforcement you join a lineage of brave individuals who have dedicated their lives to protecting and serving our community. This is no small feat and the badge you now wear symbolizes not only authority but also immense responsibility,” said Senator McGinn, a 4th generation resident of the 31st district and 20-year member of the Kansas Senate. McGinn urged the graduates to remember that their duty extends far beyond enforcing laws, which is a fundamental aspect of their role. “The true essence of law enforcement lies in the sacred commitment to protect and serve people. It is the people you serve who give meaning to the laws that you enforce. They are the heart of our communities, and your responsibility is to ensure their safety, dignity, and trust.”
Under the authority of Vice Provost and Director of Police Training Darin Beck, graduates received certificates attesting to the satisfactory completion of a full-time basic course of instruction, and certification as Kansas law enforcement officers from the Kansas Commission on Peace Officers’ Standards and Training, the state’s law enforcement licensing authority.
The following are the graduates of the 327th basic training class:
*Award recipient
Megan Fachin Loza - Kansas Racing & Gaming Comm Sec Div
Montazia Grant - Kansas Racing & Gaming Comm Sec Div
Dillon Hall - Woodson County Sheriff's Office
Craig Hodson - Haysville Police Department
Elijah Jamison - Kansas City KS Comm College Campus
Tori Johnson - Coffeyville Police Department
Kinzington Kelley - Derby Police Department
Nathan LeClair - Andover Police Department
Adelaide Manica - Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks
Jake Martin - Emporia Police Department
Dylan Matsen - Andover Police Department
Thad Parker - Allen County Sheriff's Office
Clayton Philpott - Marion County Sheriff's Office
Dominic Powell - Independence Police Department
Brecken Ralston - Garden City Police Department
*Class President, Honors, Fitness
Payton Sadowski - Emporia Police Department
Dallin Schneider - WaKeeney Police Department
Austin Spencer - Marion County Sheriff's Office
Donovan Wahrman - Cheney Police Department
Dustin Woodford - Marion Police Department