Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center Graduates 325th Basic Training Class

Phot Credit: Jeff Tuttle
Nineteen new law enforcement officers graduated from the Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center (KLETC) on May 17, 2024, in a ceremony held in KLETC’s Integrity Auditorium. KLETC Police Instructor Senior Rob McClarty was the class coordinator for the graduating class, and the commencement speaker for the ceremony was Kansas Supreme Court Chief Justice Marla Luckert.

Chief Justice Luckert was proud to be one of the first to congratulate the newest members of the profession and to welcome the graduates to the justice system. “Although our titles and our roles vary, we share goals of protecting the rule of law, for seeking justice, enforcing the laws that protect our communities, and upholding the constitutions of the United States and the state of Kansas.”
“I have a deep respect beyond your commitment to our shared goals,” said Luckert, who has served as Chief Justice since 2019. “That respect comes to all of those in your profession, and that respect emanates from my experience not only as a judge but as a citizen, and for my gratitude for what you do for my community, my state, and my country as you provide protection and your service to all of us.”
Under the authority of Vice Provost and Director of Police Training Darin Beck, graduates received certificates attesting to the satisfactory completion of a full-time basic course of instruction, and certification as Kansas law enforcement officers from the Kansas Commission on Peace Officers’ Standards and Training, the state’s law enforcement licensing authority.
The following are the graduates of the 325th basic training class:
*Award recipient
Brandon Baker - Rooks County Sheriff's Office
Dustin Barnes - Ellis County Sheriff's Office
*Director’s Award for Academic Excellence
Kanecia Brown - Coffeyville Police Department
Austin Coffelt - Hiawatha Police Department
Caleb Critchfield - Hutchinson Police Department
Gentry Dougherty - Neosho County Sheriff's Office
Drake Hall - McPherson County Sheriff's Office
Sierra Hampton - Columbus Police Department
Issac Hurst - Bourbon County Sheriff's Office
Jason Jarrett - Newton Police Department
Oliver Krehbiel - Newton Police Department
Armand Little - Valley Center Police Department
Corey Meitl - Pawnee County Sheriff's Office
Dallas Merritt - Allen County Sheriff's Office
*Class President
Donavon Milliken - Anderson County Sheriff's Office
Patrick Piper - St. John Police Department
Anthony Schmitt - Hutchinson Police Department
Jade Shephard - University of Kansas Police Department
Michael Torres - Dodge City Police Department