Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center Graduates 321st Basic Training Class

Photos by Jeff Tuttle
Twenty-two new law enforcement officers graduated from the Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center (KLETC) on February 23, 2024, in a ceremony held in KLETC's Integrity Auditorium. KLETC Police Instructor Senior Mike Satterlee was the class coordinator for the graduating class, and the commencement speaker for the ceremony was Kansas Commission on Peace Officers' Standards and Training Executive Director Doug Schroeder.
Executive Director Schroeder encouraged the graduates to consider their priorities daily because as law enforcement officers, they will work long hours, give a lot to their communities, and miss social and family events. “An intentional and routine, honest evaluation is needed of your priorities daily to make sure they stay in line.” Throughout his remarks, Executive Director Schroeder offered words of encouragement, and in closing, a call to action.

“Class 321, I encourage you to grow more self-aware; I encourage you not to be afraid of failure; I encourage you to reconsider your priorities daily.”
Under the authority of Vice Provost and Director of Police Training Darin Beck, graduates received certificates attesting to the satisfactory completion of a full-time basic course of instruction, and certification as Kansas law enforcement officers from the Kansas Commission on Peace Officers’ Standards and Training, the state’s law enforcement licensing authority.
The following are the graduates of the 321st basic training class:
*Award recipient
Christian Aden - Ottawa Police Department
Jairo Camarena - Haysville Police Department
Diego Fisher - Salina Police Department
Tucker Gehrt - Riley County Police Department
Steven Johnson - Coffeyville Police Department
Christopher Johnson - Salina Police Department
Jalen Keener - Andover Police Department
Patrick Kelly - Hays Police Department
Jacob Liles - Paola Police Department
David Montague - Lansing Police Department
*Honors, Fitness
Jennifer Morris - Wyandotte County Sheriff's Office
Bobby Nevares - Garden City Police Department
Andre Parks - Lyons Police Department
Devon Peak - Hutchinson Police Department
Deborah Rushing - Shawnee Mission School District PD
*Honors, Fitness
Caleb Savage - Ottawa Police Department
Brandon Shaver - Andover Police Department
Damian Stos - Larned Police Department
Mason Taylor - Garden City Comm College Campus Police
Andrew Unruh - Garden City Police Department
Jared Vonfeldt - Barton County Sheriff's Office
Cole Zade - Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks