International Association Of Arson Investigators Complete Two-Week Basic Law Enforcement Course

The Kansas chapter of the International Association of Arson Investigators (IAAI) concluded investigations training today at the Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center (KLETC).
The 80-hour course, Basic Law Enforcement for Fire Investigators, gave participants a basic overview of law enforcement rules, regulations, and practices and was designed to give firefighters a better understanding of how law enforcement officers conduct investigations.
The 28 participants that completed this course will have the opportunity to become a Certified Fire Investigator through the Fire Marshal's Office upon the completion of an additional two-week course at KLETC in November that covers basic fire investigation. That course will be open to certified law enforcement officers as well.
"This is an important partnership between KLETC and the IAAI", said KLETC Executive Director Darin Beck. "Allowing law enforcement officers and firefighters to be better prepared to work together benefits not just the professions, but also the communities they serve."
Eric Lawrence, Fire Investigator at the Office of the State Fire Marshal, says that the IAAI has been using the KLETC facilities since 2018 and he couldn't be happier with the collaboration between the two organizations.
"The staff at KLETC has been incredibly accommodating to the firefighters during their time here," he said. "They've really made the firefighters feel accepted."
The Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center (KLETC) is located in Hutchinson, Kansas. Established by the Kansas Legislature in 1968, KLETC serves as the central law enforcement training facility for the state and as headquarters for all law enforcement training in Kansas.